36.49 miles / 6596 feet of climbing
This incredible VES route features the northernmost section of the VA MTB Trail http://virginiamountainbiketrail.com/ and finishes with the legendary Big Schloss downhill.
Start Time: 9am
Start Location: Little Stoney Creek 571 Trailhead on Route 92 http://is.gd/2jEG7p
[Alternate Start Time / Location = 7:45am / Wolf Gap Campground. It's a 5 mile sweet singletrack ride from Wolf Gap to the official start location above. Map: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cvaprzqkt3ynv1i/camp_to_start.jpg]
GPX File:
2014 Drawn File: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8fazojlutxrj2d4/Big_Schloss_Epic_v2014_%28Drawn%29.gpx
(Note: this GPX includes the additional trail sections to and from the Wolf Gap campground. Drawn GPX files are not as accurate as actual GPX data files.)
2013 Route *DIFFERENT from 2014* Actual (Ridden) GPX:
Note: this actual 2013 GPX is a good navigational reference for portions of the 2014 route.
2013 Strava: http://www.strava.com/activities/957623062013 Route Description: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3plnado5l004783/VES%20%239_Big_Schloss_Map_11x17.pdf

Critical Note: The Big Schloss Epic route is VERY challenging from start to finish. **Please come well prepared.** Bring a water filter, plenty of food, bring all gear needed for basic bicycle repairs and a first aid kit (minimally, something like this http://youtu.be/YIZLMouV3j4). In 2013 an exceptional group of more than 20 cyclists attempted a variation of this route, moving time was roughly 7 hours, elapsed time was 9 hours ... and it was an awesome day of epic backcountry adventure mountain biking!!
3 Shorter Options. All start and end at the same location: