Monday, June 29, 2015

2015 "The Gamut" MTB & Running Courses Updates

  • 2014 PDF Map & Route Guide 
  • On Stage 1 the new trail Rattlin' Run replaces the pavement section between the Beginner Loop and Songbird.
    • Mt. Bikers will ride Stage 1 in the opposite direction from 2014. The 2015 Stage 1 is generally counterclockwise and starts with climbing Hi-Dee-Hoe.
    • Runners will run Stage 1 in the same direction as 2014, generally clockwise, and starting with the Beginner Loop to Rattlin' Run.
  • Stage 2 is 100% identical to the 2014 Stage 2.

Q&A Regarding RUNNING being added to all VES Trail Events

How many miles are you going to make us run?
Runners can come and run any distance they will have fun with! There are generally three course length options detailed per VES event, a 10-15 miler, 20-25 and 35+. 
And, like the mountain bikers, runners can turn around and head back to the start / finish at any time. So if you're not up for running one of the full routes, just run in the woods for awhile and turn around when you're ready!
Is there a way to sign up?
There are no registrations in the VES, just show-up, meet other cool kids and go! Each VES event does have a Facebook event associated with it, so if you're planning to come (and you do Facebook) then swing by the FB event and click on "Going"!
Are there any aid stations or other logistics already planned for?
Generally there are no aid stations or course markings at VES events. The route(s) are very well described, and the fun is generally self-supported and self-navigated.
I wish these events weren't on a Sunday. Excludes all of us church goers.
God is present at all VES events, and anyone is welcome to organize a service/worship at the site before or after the event! 
And, we have started adding some Saturday events! The only reservation we have with moving too many VES events to Saturday is that a number of the organizers are bike shop employees who work Saturdays, and have off Sundays.

Friday, June 5, 2015

super most fantastic supa D #enduro results!

We had quite possibly the most splendid day one could ask for. Super hot and humid with just enough tack from the pre-dawn rain showers to make you sticky icky to those sweet trails at Pandapas Pond!

There were about 16 hardy souls that showed up to GET SOME! All bike types were represented from full blown and medio squishers, hard tails and single speeds. Most riders (depending on route chosen) pedaled them bicycles close to 28 miles of TRAIL!

Here is how the day's times turned out. Get outside today!